
Active member
Member of the French Academy of Philately.
Board Member of the French Philatelic Federation.
Member of the following associations : Club Philatélique Français, Union Marcophile, American Philatelic Society, International Japanese Philatelic Society, Society of Indo-China, AFPT, Union Philatélique du Quercy, Amicale Philatélique de Cusset.


From water to the mouth : Gold, National Grand Prix, Thémafrance III Bondy 1991. Large Vermeil, International Genova 1992.

Postal consequences of the 1848 revolution : Large Vermeil, International Philexfrance 1999.

Postal history of Reunion Island 1885-1905 : Gold, National, Histophil Besançon 1999.

Postal history of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon : regional Large Vermeil, Blagnac 2002.

The Tonkin Expeditionary force : Large Vermeil, regional Grand Prix, Brioude 2004.

The « Présidence issue », domestic use, 1852-1854 : Large Vermeil, regional Grand Prix, Montluçon 2006, Gold and national Grand Prix, Poitiers, 2007.

The consequences of the pastre trafic in Indochina : Large Vermeil, regional Grand Prix, Brioude 2004.

The « Groupe » issue in Ivory Coast ; the illustrated letter cards ; franco-haitian postal relations ; the issues «panthère, femmes bakalois and cocotiers».

Spoken languages
French, German.
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