Active member
Former President of FEPA (Federation of European Philatelic Associations).
President of the Portuguese Philatelic Federation.

Honorary member of the Clube Filatélico Português.
Member of the Clube Filatélico Brasil , the Secção Filatélica AACoimbra and the Clube Filatélico de Santos.


Collections: Traditional, Postal History, Stationery, Open Class, One Frame, and Literature.

Director of Filatelia Lusitana.
Director of FEPA News.
Author of the book Carimbos Nominativos de Portugal (2 parts).

- FIP 9 Large Gold, 37 Gold, 28 Large Vermeil Medals (National and International).
- Medal “Dedication” of the Philatelic Club of Portugal.
- Trophy AFA- Associação Filatélica Alentejana in 2002.
- “Honorary Postman” of the Confraria Timbrologica in 2003.
- Silver Medal of the Association of Philatelists of Montenegro.
- Ordem de Excelência Filatélica from the Brazilian Philatelic Federation.
- Holder of the "Mérite Philatélique Européen" (M.P.E.).

Spoken languages
French, English, Portuguese, Spanish.
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The AEP is not liable for the content of the CVs. The AEP simply publishes what every member sends, without verifying the truth or accuracy thereof.