
Active member
Member of the French Academy of Philately.
Former president of the “Entente philatélique Hyéroise”.
Federal deputy board member of the French Federation of Philately.
Vice-President of the philatelic circle PACAC.
Member of the AICPM in Italy and the “Union Marcophile” in France.


- French postal history in general, and in particular the postal rates, study of the franking and cancelling machines, free frank marks of the postal administration, postal history of French troops in Italy during WW II.
- Postal history of Italy, in particular the postal rates and the use of the issue “Democratia”, study of the express stamps, and acknowledgements of receipt.
- Postal history of Memel.

Several gold and large vermeil medals in national exhibitions in France, Switzerland and Italy

Research and publications:
Several articles in France and Italy on the subjects mentionned above.
Publication of a book: “the military postal service of the Italian army during the occupation of France (1940-1943)”.

Spoken languages
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